Choose your own adventure
Thriving in your own way and the power of choice when the world wants to tell you what to do.
I know that the world we live in can feel overwhelming at times. So many things to put our attention on, opinions, advice, there’s an answer for everything with the click of a mouse.
If you listened to the podcast earlier this week you know my thoughts on this and you probably can guess from the title - I believe this time we’re living in is an opportunity for us to create a whole new way of living. But we have choose to see it that way and practice the highest level of discernment within ourselves. To use our own internal knowing as the guiding light.
I think about life right now as one of those choose your own adventure books. You remember those right?
Never in our history have we had not only access to almost anything with the touch of a button, but also a new level of consciousness and awareness to question the way things have always been done - and choose something different.
You can choose to get married. Or not.
You can choose to have kids. Or not.
You can choose how you move your body.
You can choose food that's most nourishing for you.
You can choose what thoughts you want to stick around and the ones that don’t feel so good, to pass on by.
You can choose practices that support you in the best way and drop the ones that you’re trying to force.
Put down roots or live a nomadic way, there’s no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’.
You can choose to follow those nudges that don't make sense.
Choose a path that's never been walked or give yourself permission to follow one that you never thought you would.
Even if it's scary. Even if you don't know the next step yet. And even when you take a step in the wrong direction - you get to choose again and go another way - that's what an adventure is, isn't it?
You can choose to revel in your life. In all that’s around you and connect to that. Make even the most mundane everyday things magical.
Choose to be in awe of life and all that comes with it.
The more connected I become with myself and creating life from this way, the more present I am to notice the magic in everything around me. From the smallest moments like a warm cup of good coffee in the morning, or the colours of a Fall sunset, to the miracle that is being able to jump on an airplane and fly to somewhere new.
I’ve also given myself permission to choose what’s mine to focus on and what doesn’t need to take my energy or rent space in your head. I know there’s people out there who can make a plane fly. Or those who know the ins and outs of building computers. I don’t need to know that - sure I can read about it, but just because I can doesn’t mean I need to. I have so much appreciation the things I use in my day to day life but I can leave the details to the experts. And let me tell you, it’s like a weight gets lifted when you just choose to stop letting things that aren’t important take up space in your head.
The same goes for what conversations, people, places or things I want to put my precious time, energy and thoughts into.
This is a reminder that you can just opt out. Of the gossip. Of the negativity. Of the things that you’re trying so hard to make work but just don’t fit.
No more copy & paste lives over here.
Discernment. Self trust. Boundaries. Unapologetic living in the way that feeds you best.
Not according to anyone else's rules. It gets to be your choice and you can leave the rest.
If you're like me on a journey of a living life that’s more ‘you’, it starts by getting back to letting your body lead instead of your mind. I know it’s something alot of us are waking up to and if you’re reading this, my gut is telling me you might be right there with me.
Feeling the pull to let go of trying to figure out the ‘right way’ to do things through your mind and instead living from your heart. To quiet the noise and hear what your intuition is trying to tell you.
So here’s me with this little nudge to remind you that you get to choose.
Your life gets to the be the adventure.
Here’s to our thriving.
I’m taking applications for the Nourished Living Mentorship so if you’re feeling the call to have more support in creating your life in this way, I’d love to chat with you. Listen to that intuition of yours - you’ll know if this is for you :)
If you’re looking for some simple practices for more seasonal living, you can grab the Nourished With The Seasons - A Guide To Seasonal Living.
Ready to learn the pleasure and the principles of cooking well? Let’s THE CREATIVE KITCHEN This if for you if you want to learn some foundational cooking skills, find your own creativity and flow in the kitchen and connect to your food more. Because that’s what it’s all about!